


澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区董事会与校长,博士合作. 迈克·弗洛雷斯,努力提供通往卓越的路线图. 这张地图上沿途的点被称为收费,并传达给所有利益相关者.

  • 活动的目标 are those of high interest to the 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区 organization and its stakeholders during the evaluation period and include specific funding formula elements as outlined in House Bill 8 (2023 TX Legislative Session). 积极目标的实现要求它们是具体的和可衡量的. 

  • 监控目标 在评估期间,这些是澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区及其利益相关者持续感兴趣和重要的吗. 在以前的评价期间,监测目标往往是一个重点领域. 他们的成就继续引起本组织的兴趣.

The Charges for 2023-2024 not only build upon previous years' efforts to promote continuous improvement and innovation within our award-winning district, 促进学生的经济和社会流动性, 但这也符合国家对学生学术成果的新要求. 委员会将定期收到有关挑战和要求的最新情况,以便进行可能的预算调整. 在制定和适应这些学术目标方面,分配给员工参与和发展将是至关重要的.



1. 学生公平与成功

Support student equity and success at 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区 through a demonstrated awareness and willingness to address equity challenges and 关闭 performance gaps, 包括:

  • 支持学生公平,为所有学生实现公平的教育成果, 重点关注学业上的弱势群体, 经济上的弱势群体, 服务水平低下的学生, 代表名额不足的学生, 第一代大学生, 以及25岁以上的学生.

  • Align Alamo 大学’s Key Performance Indicators to reflect the new funding formula codified in House Bill 8 (2023 TX Legislative Session). Develop a system-wide portfolio to ensure these student success outcomes are achieved and requisite resources are reinvested in the organization.

  • 实施行动计划,缩小学生群体之间已确定的表现差距,并监测其影响.

  • Continue to enhance the Student Advocacy Network service portfolio to provide critical wrap-around support services for student 保留 和完成.

  • 扩大对家长学生的支援服务, 包括可能扩大托儿中心和上门服务.
2. 价值凭证
  • Work to achieve the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and State of Texas’s strategic goals as outlined in the “Building a Talent Strong Texas” plan by increasing our yearly goal of 13,200 to 13,500度 & 证书的取得.

  • Develop final proposal for a workforce-oriented bachelor’s degree program at 东北湖景学院 to complement the portfolio of four previously approved bachelor degree programs. 开始开发毕业生评估数据框架,为学士学位课程的持续改进提供信息.

  • Continue to increase course transfer alignment and transfer rates through the Regional University Transfer Compact and new partnerships with universities across Texas.

  • Develop and implement hard-wired transfer partnership program utilizing AlamoINSTITUTES and the Transfer Advising Guides/Workforce Development Plans to ensure students from ACD transfer to four-year universities with at least 15 semester credit hours.
3. 经济及劳动力发展
  • Expand and create new and innovative workforce programs to meet the increased demand for talent in high-wage and high-demand occupations and industries.

  • 扩大准备工作,并继续支持市/县在学生完成和就业安置方面的目标.

  • 与市县合作, greaterSATX / SA WORX, 和商会加强该地区劳动力发展的努力.

  • 缩短学生完成证书/学位的时间和进入劳动力市场的时间.
4. AlamoONLINE和数字学习
  • 建立和加强各学院的办学能力, 为AlamoONLINE学生提供优质的数字学习体验,进一步提高入学率, 保留, 和完成.

  • 开发一个框架来支持当前的能力,如招聘, 课程设计, 评估, 职业规划, 同时结合新兴能力,成功实现数字化学习. 衡量学习者生命周期中的数字能力, 最终支持实用和可持续的数字服务和在线学习方法.

  • 提供免费的技术和互联网服务,以方便连接到澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区, 有一致的人员来支持这些需求.

  • 调整微凭证策略, 采用, 实现, 以及对德州人才强计划的投资.
5. 大学入学和毕业
  • Continue 实现 of the overarching 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区-Wide Strategic Enrollment Management Plan to facilitate smart growth and increase market penetration into the community.

  • Ensure a continued level of access through AlamoPROMISE with the recent Bexar县-wide expansion to seventy-three public high schools as well as charter, 私人, 还有在家接受教育的学生. 继续推行集体影响战略以增加资金.

  • Expand and improve 实现 of the various models and strategies including 4DX to achieve increased levels of persistence, 毕业生, 以及我们的学生成功指标和年度WIG中规定的完成者.

  • 制定新的策略,以支持学生达到众议院法案8(2023德克萨斯州立法会议)的里程碑.

  • 确定学生/机构面临的挑战,并制定改善学生成绩的目标, 包括衡量阿拉莫学区学习者的联系和完成成功的指标.

  • 在澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区提供高中同等学历的文凭选择和双学分机会.

  • Expand preparatory support for prospective ACD students pursuing the Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA) college readiness exam.
6. 有竞争力的员工薪酬
  • 为教职员工和管理人员建立一个有竞争力的员工薪酬计划.

  • Engage relevant groups in the development of a sustainable program aligned with the strategic priorities of the 大学 区 for recruitment and 保留 of high-quality talent.
7. 高中课程——提高大学入学率
  • Increase educational attainment rates and improve economic and social mobility through a comprehensive portfolio of high school programs including Dual Credit, 大学早期高中, P-Tech, 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台, 以及其他项目模型.

  • Develop proposal to ensure 50% of dual credit students complete a sequence of at least 15 semester credit hours in dual credit courses by high school graduation.

  • 成功实施AlamoADVISE模式向下扩展,服务于双录取高中学生.

  • 利用新的快速转账金融援助(FAST)资金,将AlamoBOOKS+扩展到所有高中项目合作伙伴.


8. 机构卓越和持续改进

扩大持续改进活动的实施和细化, 包括但不限于AlamoWAY的三个要素:

  • 学生的成功
  • 道义性的领导
  • 性能卓越
9. 战略传播与营销

加强澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区品牌, while promoting awareness of new and emerging 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区 initiatives using targeted marketing and communications strategies such as:

  • Increase synergy and collaboration in communications and marketing across the 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区 by formalizing communications and marketing committees, 委员会和澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区家庭主题专家的聚会.

  • Enhance ties with prospective students and parents to encourage enrollment through community and neighborhood-based activations via 社区连接 and other community outreach programs.
10. AlamoEXPERIENCE和工作场所学习
  • 监测并报告AlamoEXPERIENCE,这将为每个毕业生提供基于工作场所的学习机会(例如.e.、学徒、实习、社区服务/服务学习、校园就业).

  • 开发和实施Earn & 学习AlamoEXPERIENCE的组成部分,让学生通过学徒建立专业的社会资本, 社区服务/服务学习, 实习, 就业机会.
11. AlamoENGAGE和员工协作
  • Increase collaboration and teamwork through top opportunities for improvement identified in the Great Place to Work survey results.

  • 调整组织以反映未来的经济需求.


校长办公室 校董会